piley logo
piley 2022 - present
To-Do app for Android that uses piles to manage your tasks. You can also set reminders and recurring tasks, as well as sync your tasks and piles to your own backup server.

inkplate dashboard
inkplate-dashboard 2025
E-ink dashboard that displays the weather, calendar events, news and other information on an Inkplate 10 e-ink display.

simra picture
Simra-Nav 2021 - 2022 Master Thesis
Extension of the SimRa project with a crowdsourced routing engine and application that utilizes data collected by users to show safer routes for bicycles.

nebulastream visualizer picture
Nebulastream Visualizer 2021 - 2022
Visualization and management of Nebulastream query plans using directed graphs, built with React and React Flow.

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syncmesh 2021
Distributed storage implemented on a federated function-as-a-service network, based on OpenFaaS and MongoDB.

wegli picture
weg.li 2020-2021
Redesign and improvement of the weg.li Android app, utilizing Machine Learning and OCR to automatically fill forms to report parking violations.

trust studio picture
Trust Studio 2020 Bachelor Thesis
Web application to analyze and evaluate uncertainties and trust in business processes by evaluating BPMN diagrams. Built with React and Flask.

affinity picture
Affinity 2019 - 2020
Decentralized social network that uses peer-to-peer connections to exchange movie ratings with other users. These ratings are then evaluated to get new recommendations for unwatched movies that you might like based on similarity in taste.